Anglican Church in Aotearoa, Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, New Zealand and Polynesia, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

Anglican apartheid

Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia - home page

God’s Own Separatism: the Anglicans’ home page.

The prize for the most misleading use of the word Aotearoa must surely go to the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

Are the best brains of our biggest church really such sloppy punctuators? Or do they really believe that Aotearoa and New Zealand are two separate countries?

In which case, which one is God’s Own?

More to the point, does He really think it’s a good idea for His religion to be promoting racial separatism?

The appointment of a new Pakeha Archbishop reminds us that the Anglicans are running an apartheid system in New Zealand.

Philip Richardson, the Bishop of Taranaki,  was confirmed as Archbishop-elect at a meeting in Wellington of representatives of the  country’s seven Tikanga Pakeha dioceses.

From  May 1, Bishop Philip, who is 55, will become one of three Archbishops leading the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

As  Archbishop, he will work alongside Archbishop Brown Turei, who leads  Tikanga Maori (the Maori cultural stream of the church) and Archbishop  Winston Halapua, who is the Bishop of Polynesia.

The church’s website doesn’t say where Chinese, Indian, West Indian or Somalian New Zealanders are supposed to worship. Presumably with a less racist denomination.

Which might not include these two…

Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

Presbyterian political correctness

Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand - home page

Catholic capitulation 

While the Anglicans wrongly believe Aotearoa and New Zealand are separate countries, the Presbyterians and Catholics wrongly believe they’re the joint name of the same country.

(Also wrong, but not as wrong.)

Thank heaven for small mercies.

21 thoughts on “Anglican apartheid

  1. We need to knock this Aotearoa thing on the head at every turn before it takes complete hold. If it does, I can just see New Zealand slowly being left off and then we will just be called Aotearoa.

    I’m convinced this is the intention of these cunning individuals. We must be ever vigilant.

  2. What?! They are taking over our churches?! Was this some part of a settlement as well?!

    If this did not have such a serious undercurrent, I would be falling off my chair in laughter at the apparent rediculousness of it all!

  3. New Zealand’s population is leaving the churches in droves and I am very pleased about that. Before long the churches will be totally irrelevant.

    I am worried about the increase of ultra-conservative islamic, hindu, sikh, judaic and orthodox christian faiths, etc that are influencing New Zealand society. I just hope they do not start their violent infighting that is splitting other societies world-wide.

  4. Sadly, the Anglican Church is losing its grip on reality, and has been for some time. Their greatest mistake has been to forget that God and his requirements of us do not change – ever. The Aotearoa bollocks is an uncharacteristic lapse by the Catholics – they normally stand firmer than most of the other mainstream Christian churches. So even they have been infiltrated …

  5. It’s taken a while to put my own post on this topic – but here goes.

    Firstly, I am Catholic. I love my church and I love my faith.
    Sadly the Catholic Church in NZ has seriously lost contact with the truth and it’s principles when it comes to racism and ‘Maori issues’. JS your last comment about Aotearoa being a uncharacteristic lapse by the Catholics is far from the accurate. The truth is that church in NZ is actually in the vanguard of those promoting separatism.

    The church has always had a close relationship with Maori from the very early days when people like Bishop Pompallier set up missions. Pompallier actually advised Maori not to sign the TOW. It is hard to know how much of this was anti-English politics from the French Pompallier and how much if any was genuine concern for Maori welfare. There does seem to have been an element of ‘The Noble Savage’ attitude amongst Catholic and Protestant missions from the early days with some at least believing that Maori would be corrupted by European influence and if they could be kept separate then a more profound Christian conversion of a primitive but pure native people could be possible.

    From at least the 1970’s there has been a move towards promoting separatism and superior Maori civil rights within the church. This has largely been driven by parish ‘social justice’ committees. These groups are often depositories of socialist and neo-communist activist individuals. In the 70’s and 80’s their focus was on South African Apartheid and Anti Nuclear issues. This served to mask their true intentions within the country. If this seems a harsh appraisal then consider – once SA dropped Apartheid and NZ went Nuclear free they abruptly moved focus. They are not for example at all interested in South Africa’s neighbour Zimbabwe despite that country having human rights issues far greater than SA ever had, neither do they care that nuclear issues and dangers have if anything escalated in the decades since NZ went Nuclear free.
    They also care not that their support for Maori Separatism and superior rights is a 180 degree shift from their previous attitude and principle in protesting Apartheid.
    What they are hell bent on doing is working to destabilise and indoctrinate NZ until the point can be reached where the population will be amenable to the notion of a socialist and world government nirvana being the only way forward. To this end they work hand in glove with the UN and it’s agendas, despite the fact that these are often polar opposite to Catholic theology and teaching.
    Members of my parish ‘social justice committee’ attended John Ansell’s Tauranga talk last year as part and support of the protesters against it.

    I will give you a very recent example of how successful this indoctrination has become. In most ways it is just an example of what has and is happening in all facets of society and education:

    The latest Catholic Hamilton diocesan magazine includes an article by a primary school child from St. Patricks Catholic School in Te Awamutu He writes about a recent ‘pilgrimage’ his class undertook to Rangiaowhia.

    For those unaware of this area, some genuine history of Rangiaowhia as follows:

    Rangiaowhia was a Maori village supplying the nearby battle Pa at Paterangi that Maori had built to repel the British during the Waikato wars. Rather than attack the heavily fortified and defended Pa the British forces attacked the village and won a decisive victory by denying the Pa the ability to supply itself.
    At the start of the attack the woman and children fled to the village church. The small number of men in the village regrouped into several whare, one of which had an excavated floor to form a defensive rifle pit. The subsequent firing of the carbines of the Troopers and Maori back and forth through the brush walls caused the whares to catch fire and burn to the ground. The surviving male Maori defenders fled to the bush. The official death toll was 12 or 13 Maori men killed and 5 British troopers. No women or children were among the casualties. It was an embarrassing defeat for Maori who had assumed the British would assault their Pa.

    This has not stopped latter day Maori from declaring that a terrible atrocity occurred at this site. They claim that it was the church that burned, that it was deliberately set on fire by the troopers with the women and children inside and that hundreds died. There is no historical record of anything like this happening. The British records are quite detailed and include not only the numbers of dead, but the fury of an officer towards his troopers when a Maori gunman fleeing the whare fire was shot while possibly attempting to surrender. The church supposed to have burned down is recorded as still standing without damage years later while another mentioned as an alternative was not even built until years later.

    This has not prevented St. Patricks School from being led up the garden path in it’s ‘pilgrimage’. The pupil relates a long walk to the local Marae where they were regaled with stories of a utopian ‘peaceful village’ attacked by ‘enemies’ with women and children slaughtered. The sadness and horror that the pupil felt upon being led astray by this story was quite evident in the article.

    So I wrote to the principal of the school, Mr. Brian Belczacki. I asked him if he was aware that his pupils had been misled. I gave him the historical details of the battle and asked him if he would re-educate his pupils as to the truth. I passed on some details of the genuine atrocities that occurred to settlers by Maori at this time and asked if his pupils were aware of these as a context and background to the whole Waikato Wars and those further afield.
    Mr. Belczacki replied that I had taken the whole pilgrimage out of context. The article makes it clear that the reason for the pilgrimage to Rangiaowhia was due to the place it has in history as a battle site and that the (false) details of the battle were discussed at length there, Mr Belczacki claims this is but a minor issue. He accused me of having an agenda and denied my subsequent assertion that his pupils had been led astray by the actual people who have an agenda. He said he was ‘shocked’ that I would suggest that primary school children should be told the details of actual atrocities committed but he was completely comfortable with them being told the (false) graphic details of a (non existent) atrocity. He rejected all of my assertions and claimed that the children were given a ‘balanced approach’ despite it being clear that a ‘balanced approach’ that is founded on falsehood and lacks any integrity is about as far from the truth as can be imagined..

    The Bishop of Hamilton also attended this event. I wrote a similar letter to him expressing my concerns. He has not even bothered replying.

    Such, I am sorry to say is the mixture of deliberate deception, brainwashed ignorance and muddled thinking that characterises the attitude of the Catholic Church in regard to fraudulent history and Maori separatism.

    1. What an amazing post, Mike. Thanks very much for confirming what we seem to be hearing in all directions in our country. It seems this mis-information isn’t limited just to one group – it’s seeping into every pore of our country. Very worrying indeed.

      We certainly have an uphill battle ahead but I still feel (I hope it’s not just wishful thinking?!) that eventually we are going to get a lot of support once we get through the curtain of apathy. or maybe it’s just pure and simple lack of knowing exactly what is happening because of busy lives and/or no time to stop and consider things properly.

    2. Hello Mike
      I have read this post three times now.
      I found the report of the “pilgrimage” in the newsletter. To me the saddest thing is that the child (or children) at St Patrick’s today has/have retained the impression that “enemies” perpetrated a massacre and that this view has been chosen to be circulated throughout the Diocese.
      My mother was Catholic (excommunicated) and many family members still are, so I do have some understanding of the religion and how it works.
      My impression is that, much like politics, it’s a numbers game and the Catholic church knows where its bread is buttered.

      1. Hi Irene.

        I am quite active in my parish church.

        I have had a number of ‘disagreements’ over many years with the ‘social justice’ committee people of which my parish seems to have a small but very active number within the diocese. It is very apparent that, like almost all institutions and organisations in the country now, their separatist voice is the only one that gets any air time. One of the most active socialist/separatist members is also the editor of my parish magazine for example so he simply refuses to publish anything that has a different opinion to his. These people seem to be the only ones with time and energy to burn, hence their over-represented influence.

        The great majority of people within my parish agree with most if not all of the concerns and aims of JA and TNZ. The sad fact though is that just like the great majority in our society they simply do not want to think too much about it. To do so in any depth is far, far too frightening when such thoughts start to clarify what it means in terms of what we have lost and what the future may/will bring. Far easier to put head in sand and pretend/hope it’s not that bad.

        The clergy are a little more difficult to define. The senior clergy in NZ certainly work hand in glove with these social activists even though a number of their goals and methods are at odds with Catholic teaching and theology. It could be that they are easily led astray, it could be that they are lazy and find it easier to go along with these activists, it could be that they agree wholeheartedly with them.

        In regard to these primary school children, yes it is a tragedy that they have been lied to and now believe in an event (and many others) that never occurred in the manner they have been told. Obviously the intent here is to mould young minds to make them as amenable as possible to future issues of Maori compensation. What I also find tragic is that for at least some of these children, the people they now regard as the ‘evil enemies’ of these ‘poor oppressed’ Maori communities will actually be their very own ancestors who were fighting for the right for their descendants to live peacefully in this country. Thus they now despise the very people who gave all of us. including griever Maori, this ability.

        The bread and butter for the Church in NZ depends on its parishioners, the great majority of whom are middle class, middle of the road, hard working people. Sadly their efforts are contemptuously misused by the social activists who have taken the tolerance shown by this majority to successfully push a social and separatist agenda that hurts the very people the Church was built on. This is exactly what has occurred in society at large.

    3. It should be noted on the Catholic church website regarding the Treaty of Waitangi it is stated that Article 4 is actually written on the Treaty. when infact there are only three articles written on the Treaty of Waitangi. and Article 4 it is not, here is the quote:

      “A fourth article was added to the Maori text of the Treaty signed at Waitangi, at the request of Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier. In Maori the fourth article said: “E mea ana te Kawana ko nga whakapono katoa o Ingarani, o nga Weteriana, o Roma, me te ritenga Maori hoki e tiakina ngatahitia e ia”, which means “The Governor says that the several faiths (beliefs) of England, of the Wesleyans, of Rome and also of Maori custom shall alike be protected by him”. This article guaranteed religious freedom for all in the new nation, including Maori.”

      the above quote is not just misleading it is blatantly not true. the image on the Catholic church website is so small of the treaty that it is not possible to even see the words. however it is very easy to view the Treaty of Waitangi in High resolution at Archives NZ website.

      As far as history shows, Maori pleaded to have Queen Victoria establish NZ as a Colony under British rule and sovereignty as they were so scared about the French getting sovereignty of NZ and did not want them here, the Maori made trips to England to make pleas to Queen Victoria so much they didnt want French control over NZ. This is not the way history is spelled out today as the British initially didnt want NZ, and the Maori did not want the French.. Pompellier etc.. It is well known Pompellier encouraged Maori not to sign the Treaty.

      as far as social justice in the churches is concerned it appears to be deeply entrenched with all major churches in nz. It is also interesting to note the ecumenical dialogue going on between the protestant faiths with the overseeing Catholic church and the world council of churches behind the scenes agenda.

    4. It is a pity that Mr Mike Kuipers von Lande seeks to be selective in quoting only parts of my reply, I presume in order to continue to pursue his own agenda. The ‘picture painted’ by Mr Kuipers von Lande of children walking to this historical site and then being ‘regaled with stories of a utopian peaceful village’ is totally scurrilous and verges on mischief making. Perhaps if he had attended the event rather than choosing to ‘regale his own view’ of the events on the day of the pilgrimage, he may be able to provide a more balanced view of the school’s involvement and reporting of same.

      Brian Belczacki
      St Patrick’s Catholic School, Te Awamutu

      1. Brian, reading Mike’s original comment, it seems the impression relayed to him of the “utopian peaceful visit” came from one of your pupils.

        I would welcome you posting your full reply so we can see how seriously you have been misquoted.

        You refer to Mr Kuipers von Lande’s “own agenda”. Do you acknowledge that New Zealand’s churches, academics and education officials share the opposite “agenda”?

  6. Mike I am lost for words. Thanks for the post it certainly shows how much work lays ahead for us all.

    1. My thoughts exactly, Graeme!

      Mike this is an incredible post.

      Thank you so much for providing us with such a comprehensive assessment.

  7. Its happening everywhere Mike. One needs only look at the Fairy Tales in todays ‘Weekend Sun’ letters to editor. There’s a couple of real doozys! As Goebbels said …tell a lie often enough and not only is it believed, but some start repeating it ( not sure if Goebbels said the bit about repeating it!). We must in all ways question these lies, write letters to editors, comments on line etc. Good on you for taking the time to try to get the truth to these fools, but there’s none so blind as those that do not want to see. I have noticed that recently only half my comments get onto the Weekend Sun website. Not sure why the high rate of rejection. All I am doing is questioning the lies and blatant pro-maori racism we endure every day in the Bay.

    1. Are these letters online? I don’t see them on the site. Did notice the vote on changing the name of the Islands is running 73% in support. Doesn’t show how many have voted though.Better log on to Sun Live and vote folks.

      1. I gave my vote, Graeme.

        I have looked at the submission forms against changing the name of North and South Islands.

        I am going to have to settle down to that sometime soon.

  8. Yes mate. Go to,nz, and on the left hand side, under the “s” for ‘sunlive’ click on “Letters To Ed”

  9. Forgot to mention re ;
    To register is easy and then you can comment on letters to ed, stories, political blogs from our oxygen thieving MPs ( even the fake ones like Horan ), councillors etc.

  10. Hi once again Mike

    There is a booklet by Drake, M. “The New Maori Myth” published by Wycliffe Christian Schools, 1988.
    Whilst I don’t agree with everything written in it, it does provide an interesting comparative between the pre-Christian Maori worldview and that of a more orthodox Christian one (for 1988).
    Perhaps the newsletter editors in question might also find it interesting and in future, be more inclined to publish with a more balanced and accurate perspective.
    Just a thought.

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