Allan Titford, Denise Whitehead, Sue Titford (Cochrane), Ulanda Titford

Ulanda Titford desperate to see her dad – and said Sue put sewage in his food

With some reluctance and sadness, I publish the following statements of a young Ulanda Titford, then aged 15.

Martin Doutré tells me he knew Ulanda as a nice young girl, whom he is sure has recently been pressured by her mother and Sue’s violent family into switching her allegiance, in exchange for money and safety for herself, partner and baby.

This is how much she detested her mother in 2011, and wanted to be with her father Allan — recently imprisoned for 24 years for supposedly abusing her, her mother and siblings…

Allan Titford - Ulanda Titford statement 2-2-11 p1

Allan Titford - Ulanda Titford statement 2-2-11 p2

Allan Titford - Ulanda Titford statement 2-2-11 p3

Sue says Ulanda was bribed to write the above.

Oh, and the below, written the same day…

Allan Titford - Ulanda Titford 2nd statement 2-2-11 p1Allan Titford - Ulanda Titford 2nd statement 2-2-11 p2

And this, written the next day…

Allan Titford - Ulanda Titford statement 3-2-11
Even though Ulanda desperately wanted her dad in her life, Sue’s protection order banned Allan from making any contact with his children.

This cost him dearly when Martin Doutré told Allan that his daughter Alyssa was roaming around the countryside out of control while under Sue’s care (she and a boyfriend having just stolen Martin’s car).

As a concerned dad, Allan decided to breach his protection order and ring Sue, and they had a long, amicable chat about the situation.

Then Sue reported Allan to the police, and he was locked up for four months — until Martin’s testimony got him released.

Amazingly, even if Allan had asked Martin to contact Alyssa — or Ulanda in the above case — Allan would still have been thrown in prison.

The state has destroyed his relationship with his children, and Sue has been free to fill their heads with terrifying stories of Allan wanting to kill them. Ulanda, for one, clearly had no such concerns about him.

Below is the statement of Denise Whitehead, the mother of Ulanda’s boyfriend Gene Hanham…

Allan Titford - Mrs Whitehead statement supporting Ulanda - phone nos. obscured