Allan Titford, Gene Hanham, Sue Titford (Cochrane)

Daughter’s boyfriend accuses Sue and family of lying, bribing and threatening to kill

Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement - Sue not caring about lying From the statement (below) of Gene Hanham, boyfriend
of Sue and Allan Titford’s daughter Ulanda.

Sue says that what you are about to read was extracted from her daughter’s boyfriend, Gene Hanham, by bribery.

What do you think?

To assist you, I will soon be posting a similar statement by Ulanda herself, which Sue also says was made in response to bribe by Allan. Allan emphatically denies this.

But Sue does not deny having offered each of her children $5000, but does deny that it was an inducement to testify on her behalf. Hanham says otherwise…

Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement - Sue offering kids $5000

Question for Sue: If Ulanda is as susceptible to bribes as you say, could your offer — and Allan’s failure to deliver on his (which he insists he never made) — explain why Ulanda is now siding with you?

Now read Gene Hanham’s statement. Note in particular the comment:

“to me we shouldn’t be afarid of allan titford we should be affarid of the Cochrane family. and im scared of grahame Cochrane & richard Cochrane because they both have got gun’s & a gun licence and they both have told me that if i ever told any bodie what i had been told bye them & Susan that they would put a bullet either between my eye’s our in my chest … the way they talk they will do anything for the money & that’s what it is all over Susan Cochrane just want’s all the money and the land.”

Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement - Cochrane threat to kill him

Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement 2-2-11 p.1 Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement 2-2-11 p.2 Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement 2-2-11 p.3 Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement 2-2-11 p.4 Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement 2-2-11 p.5 Allan Titford - Gene Hanham statement 2-2-11 p.6

2 thoughts on “Daughter’s boyfriend accuses Sue and family of lying, bribing and threatening to kill

  1. This case gets more and more bizarre as time passes and new evidence/events come to light. Alan Titford MUST urgently receive a re-evaluation of the evidence used to convict him and it must be done by a group from outside New Zealand. This country is too small to be sure of an unbiased re-evaluation.

  2. Where were Gene and Ulanda when they wrote these statements ???
    Were they done at the Hikirangi police station ???

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