Together New Zealand, Treatygate

Invading the Waikato, May 16th

Tim Wikiriwhi - The Great Waitangi Debate 2010 2

Tim Wikiriwhi, taking on the Grievers in The Great Waitangi Debate.

My next meeting will be very different.

It will be in Hamilton at 7.00pm on Thursday May 16th at the Celebrating Age Centre, 30 Victoria Street.

I’m proud to say that, for the first time, I have a Maori colleague publicly supporting me. So much so that he’s enthusiastically volunteered to organise the meeting.

Tim Wikiriwhi is a brave, passionate and articulate New Zealander. He’s a Christian Libertarian, which I’m not, and we don’t agree on everything. But we sure as hell agree on this.

He’s one of the few Maori to demonstrate the courage to stand up to the  thuggish part-descendants of the 1860s rebels who falsely claim to represent their race.

When TVNZ’s Marae programme needed a Maori to oppose the Griever view, it was Tim they turned to. And he did brilliantly.

It’s my goal with Together New Zealand to encourage those Maori with achiever values to seize back the mantle of Maoridom that has been stolen and tarnished by the backward-looking grievers. Tim could be just the man to do it.

He’s going to speak before me, and he’ll be a hard act to follow.

Inspired by Tim, my own performance won’t be the usual evidence-packed slideshow I’ve been casually narrating thus far.

This one will be a speech!

Hamilton meeting venue - Celebrating Age Centre 2

The Celebrating Age Centre, 30 Victoria Street — scene
many a political speech in Hamilton, including mine.

See you on the 16th.

32 thoughts on “Invading the Waikato, May 16th

  1. THIS is great to see.
    I know there are Maori out there who are sick also as we are of the Treaty shambles but alas they are intimidated against speaking up. Can you blame them. It wouldnt be easy to do so and therefore the likes of Tim need to be supported.
    Good luck to both.

  2. The best of luck John and Tim. I do hope you get a good attendance and excellent publicity before and after it.

  3. I will let Tim Macindoe know (national mp for Hamilton west) he lives down the road, doubt he will come though hes likely sick of me having a crack at him.

  4. I would still tell him if I was you, Duane.

    My MP possibly feels the same about me but I won’t let up because I know he is wrong and he needs to know what his constituents think. That’s part of his job. I know he is following the Party line but the Party line is very wrong and if enough MPs stood up to Key, perhaps we could change things.

  5. I see Mae Chen bleating on in her latest rant in the Herald, Now she wants (part) maori to team up with the asian population to do business together, i know a few Chinese and they have nothing in common with (part) maori.
    Why does the Herald give this treaty troffer a column but not the likes of John Ansell or David Round, who tells the other sides story, any one know some one with a bit of clout at this racist paper.

    1. With 38 billion in the coffers of radical maori she knows who the main players are in NZ, and who pull the strings of government.

  6. I think Tim is a good example of why the movement needs to be a single issue one. Although Tim shares the concerns of most of us re the Treatyists, I find some of his other attitudes quite bizarre.

    For example he is full of praise for Green MP Metiria Turei’s assertion that young unemployed Maori should be encouraged to develop their entrepreneurial skills by growing dope and selling it around their neighbourhoods.

    I don’t think this belief will find much support among most of the regular writers in this blog or JA supporters in general, or even the general public.

    It’s the sort of policy one would expect from the McGillicuddies that Turei used to be a member of.

    1. We’re a broad church, Mike, and we should congratulate ourselves that we can attract people from right across the political spectrum to defeat the common foe.

      Tim is a revolutionary with strong opinions and ideas. But he’s also a reasonable, likeable man. Like you and unlike me, he’s a Christian. He understands the need for us to park all our other agendas if we’re to avoid shattering into a million splinters.

      I believe we need some revolutionary zeal to break through the apathy barrier. We need people with fire in their bellies to rouse supporters against a very devious and dangerous enemy.

      I’d rather Tim was Tim than timid. Revolutionaries (and I guess I’m one too) can be difficult to live with. But they can also win big.

      The real recipe for disaster would be a party full of colourless, passionless moderates. As I know from the ad industry, the biggest risk is to take no risks.

      1. Agree.

        Just reaffirming that any attempt to define a multi faceted party with complex and numerous policies will be doomed to failure if all manner of disparate peoples and their ideals need to be included.

        The only rational way forward is to campaign on the single issue that unites and let disparate MP’s vote on other matters as they see fit.

  7. It’ll be a great alternative to watching the ultra separatist Turia or Sharples.
    Hope it all goes well. It’d be great to film it and put it on youtube for all to see.
    Good luck to you both John and Tim.

  8. I am incredibly excited about this meeting.

    My GOD if I could be there to see you and Tim standing together speaking against all this rubbish that is going on.

    I wrapped – fantastic – brilliant – YES!!!!

  9. A very good book about the treaty and the history of NZ including about the Constitutional Advisory Panel is Twisting the Treaty a Tribal Grab for Wealth and Power (2013, Tross Publishing).

  10. Yes, I bought a copy, couldn’t put it down, now a friend is reading and she can’t put it down either. After a few dozen pages her comments were; “how do they get away with it?” and “I never knew!” Like so many other New Zealanders she is appalled now that she knows. Yes, Helen, it should be compulsory reading for all NZ’ers. If I had the money I’d be buying copies by the box-load and slipping them onto library shelves nationwide, especially school libraries.

    1. Any Aucklander that wants a ride to Hamilton on the 16th, give me a ring on 09-263-6250 during work hours. D

      1. Good on you Don, we need as many bums on seats as we can muster. Hope it goes well.

  11. Mike KVL and others have said and I think it is important that the single issue is stuck with and not watered down with others How many times have we heard politicians say we have a mandate for this and that when the population has never been asked or a referendum held on a particular issue If this movement only has one issue and gets a lot of support then there is no doubt what the support is for That is a true mandate

    1. I agree, Johnp145. What on earth is different about ‘Maori’ housing to any other type of housing? We all need the same things in a house and as long as it is habitable, then I really can’t see what they are talking about.

      It’s long overdue for the powers that be to stop talking about ‘Maori’ this and ‘Maori’ that. We are all human beings with the same basic needs. Any other description is totally ridiculous – and racist I might add.

      1. The reason I have been given for Maori housing is that a lot of land is in multiple ownership and because of that it is difficult to get finance for individuals housing through normal channels for that land So the door has been opened for separate maori housing schemes

      2. Oh, well that explains it somewhat and thanks for that Graeme. I wonder if they would open doors for other housing schemes on blocks of land with multiple owners though?

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